JKCOIN is my personal token (Jacek Kołodziejczak), which is one of the utility tokens.
Its primary function is the role of a loyalty point in the OpenArt Studio IT company.
As part of the TokenBack program, when you purchase my services, you receive JKCOIN points, which you can exchange for prizes or sell because JKCOIN is also a virtual currency.
The first date of issuing JKCOIN tokens by the Organizer of the TokenBack loyalty program
and to create them on the Ethereum blockchein is September 11, 2018.
Token type: ERC20
Blockchain: Ethereum
Abbreviation: JKCOIN
Name: Jacek Kołodziejczak Token
Limited quantity: 10,500,000 - after reduction by burn on September 23, 2022.
Divisible: up to 4 decimal places
Contract address at: etherscan.io
The second date when pJKCOIN tokens were issued by the Organizer of the TokenBack loyalty program
and creating them on the Polygon blockchein is September 23, 2022.
Token type: ERC20
Blockchain: Polygon
Abbreviation: pJKCOIN
Name: Jacek Kołodziejczak Polygon Token
Limited quantity: 10,500,000 - after reduction by burn on September 23, 2022.
Divisible: up to 4 decimal places
Contract address at: polygonscan.com
The general rule is that the total amount of JKCOIN and pJKCOIN tokens is limited, i.e. 21 million.
a) the first half are ERC20 tokens on the Ethereum network, i.e. "JKCOIN"
b) the other half are tokens on the Polygon network, ie "pJKCOIN".
The proportions may change over time in favor of either party.
The JKCOIN token is a virtual disinflationary currency because some of it is "burned" - it disappears from circulation due to customers who exchanged JKCOIN for prizes.